Welcome to
CSCI 101: Intro to Computer Science

Communication with Instructor

All communication with the instructor will be done by email. The email address is sbezruko@uwsuper.edu


The course duration is 9 weeks plus the final exam days, all together from Mon, Jun 5 to Fri, Aug 4, 2023 as it is indicated on the Course Outline webpage. Each week of the course will be devoted to a particular topic according to the schedule on the website mentioned above. You should read carefully the corresponding chapters in the textbook and the online materials mentioned on the course week webpage.

For each topic you will get a homework assignment, so there will be 8 of them. You will have one week to complete it and submit it on Canvas. Only the current and the past assignments will be available in any moment from the webpage. The current topic will be highlighted on the Course Outline page. The due date is in the assignment description, but basically it is Monday midnight. An exclusion is the last assignment - its due is one day prior to the first Final Exam day in order the students would have a chance to check the solutions before the exam. Extra credit tasks (if assigned) may also have a special due date. The time and date of the homework submission will be taken from the time of the last file modification on the server. So, if you have submitted your work, do not modify your files until the work will be graded.

You will be given two midterm exams and one final exam. The exams are online exams unless it is specified. The exam dates can be taken from the Course Outline webpage. The exam tasks will be available during the exam days only. The exam work must be submitted to the server by using similar instructions as for the homework assignments.

Your grade for this class consists of 4 parts: the homework assignments, and three exams. Each homework assignment and each exam is worth a maximum of 100 points. The total score for all homeworks will be averaged according to the formula:

HW = (hw1 + hw2 + hw3 + hw4 + hw5 + hw6 + hw7 + hw8 ) / 8

where hw1 . . . hw8 are your scores for the corresponding homeworks. One lowest score for the homework will be dropped if it is at least 60. HW is rounded off to the nearest integer from above. The total score for this class will be computed by using the formula

Total_Score = (HW + EX1 + EX2 + EX3) / 4 + Bonus

where EX1 and EX2 are your scores for the midterm exams and EX3 is your score for the final. Several Bonus points might be issued to you according to the syllabus. The Total Score will be translated into the final grade according to the standard table mentioned at the bottom of the syllabus.

You will be able to check online only your scores. However, you will be provided a class statistics for each problem in the homework. This statistics should help you to figure out how good you are doing compared to other students in class.