CSCI 201: Intro to Programming (Java)

Lab 5: Drawing a bar chart

The purpose of the Lab is to design Java Swing application that takes several non-negative floating point numbers as command-line parameters and draws their bar chart. Each blue bar in the diagram corresponds to a particular number and its height is proportional to the number value. The maximum column height should be normalized to the window height. Set the window size 400x300 pixels.

All the numbers should be separated from each other by one or several spaces and passed to the application as follows. Open Run -> Set Project Configuration -> Customize window and copy the following into the Arguments field under Category Run.

50.7 24.4 20.8 12.6 78.1 63.0 12.4 38.5 2.8 14.9 34.1 90.3 46.9 8.5 11.8 27.9 98.0 45.9 54.8 56.9 8.5 11.8 27.9 98.0 12.6 78.1 63.0 12.4 2.8 45.9 56.9 38.1 92.0 56.3 39.6 74.1 54.9 34.7 64.2 3.8 45.8 67.1 7.5 11.2 18.3 23.8 34.9 73.5 3.6 11.8

Make sure that every two consecutive numbers are separated by at least one space.

Implementation hints

  1. In order to pass the command line parameters to the paintComponent() method of class DrawPanel add to this class public variable String[] data.
  2. Add to the SwingApp constructor the third parameter String[] data and after instantiating the panel set its data variable as = data. This way the call to the SwingApp constructor in your main() method should look as follows: SwingApp(400, 300, args)

The paintComponent() method

  1. Allocate a local variable max of type double and initialize it with 0. This variables will store the maximum number and will be set up in the next step.

  2. Make a loop over all elements of array data and store the maximum number in variable max.
    For this, in each step of the loop, get a new number and compare it with the current value of max. If the new number exceeds max, replace max with the current number. Use the following template:
    for (int i=0; i<data.length; i++)
      double num = ...; 			//parse data[i] as double  
      if (num is larger that the current value of max)
        store the value of num in max

  3. Use the following code to get the panel dimensions:
    int height = getHeight();
    int width = getWidth();

  4. Compute the vertical scaling factor
    double scale = height / max;

  5. Compute the width of each bar in your chart as
    int barWidth = width / n;

  6. Set the desired foreground color (blue in the above example).

  7. Declare a variable x of type int containing the x-coordinate of the left edge of the current bar. Initialize x with 0.

  8. Do a loop over all elements of array data. In each step of the loop do the following: