Java data types

Data types in Java are splitted into two general categories: primitive and reference.

Primitive data types

These types of data are essentially intended to store numbers. They are further divided into following three subcategories:

Integral for integer numbers, or numbers without a decimal part.

Data type Range Size
byte -128 . . 127 1 byte
char 0 . . 65,535 2 bytes
short -32,768 . . 32,767 2 bytes
int -2,147,483,648 . . 2,147,483,647 4 bytes
long -922,337,203,684,547,758,808 . . 922,337,203,684,547,758,807 8 bytes

Floating-point for decimal numbers. In Java floating-point notation the letter E is for the decimal exponent (power of 10). For example, 2.65·10-5 in Java notation becomes 2.65E-5.

Data type Range Size
float -3.4E+38 . . 3.4E+38 4 bytes
double -1.7E+308 . . 1.7E+308 8 bytes
The float values are called single precision and double ones are called double precision.

Boolean for logical values that can take on only two values: true and false.

Data type Range Size
boolean true or false 1 bit

Reference data types

These data types are designed for objects. When Java assigns an object to a variable, it copies the memory address of that object into the variable. The objects can be of the following three types:


