An Assembly Language Program

Prog_Data    SEGMENT
Prompt       DB     16,"Input string -->"
Str          DB     80 DUP(32)
VideoSeg     EQU     0B800H
Prog_Data    ENDS
Prog_Code    SEGMENT 
             ASSUME CS:Prog_Code, DS:Prog_Data, SS:Prog_Stack

Main_Prog    PROC
             MOV AX, Prog_Data
             MOV DS, AX         ; load the offset of the Data segment
             MOV DH, 10         ; cursor positioning (Y=10)
             MOV DL, 15         ; cursor positioning (X=15)
             MOV AH, 30         ; character attributes
             CALL ClrScr        ; clear screen
             MOV SI, offset Prompt ; load offset of Prompt in SI
             CALL WriteLn       ; output prompt on the screen
             MOV SI, offset Str
             CALL ReadLn        ; read string from the keyboard
             MOV DH, 20
             MOV DL, 15         ; new cursor ccordinates
             MOV SI, offset Str ; load offset of input string to SI
             CALL WriteLn       ; output string
             MOV AX, 4C00H      ; return to DOS
             INT 21H
Main_Prog    ENDP
BinOut    PROC           ; outputs BX on the screen in binary form
          PUSH BX        ; save the registers
          PUSH CX
          MOV CX, 16     ; word length
Nextbit:  SHL BX, 1     
          JC one         
          MOV AL, '0'    ; bit=0
          CALL PutChar   ; output it on the screen
          JMP weiter  
One:      MOV AL, '1'    ; bit=1
          CALL PutChar   ; output it on the screen
Weiter:   INC DL         ; new cursor position
          LOOP nextbit   ; main loop over all bits
          POP CX         ; restore the registers
          POP BX
BinOut    ENDP
ReadLn    PROC           ; reads a string from the keyboard --> [SI]
          PUSH DI        ; save registers
          PUSH BX
          PUSH CX
          MOV DI, SI
          MOV BX, 0      ; set string length =0
Nextchar: MOV CH, AH     ; AH is used in GetChar
          CALL GetChar   ; get a char from the keyboard
          MOV AH, CH     ; restore AH (color settings)
          CMP AL, 13     ; end of string ?
          JE Done        ; YES
Proceed:  CALL PutChar   ; echo char on the screen
          INC DL         ; new cursor position
          INC SI         ; address of the new character
          MOV [SI], AL   ; save the string character
          INC BX         ; increase the string length
          JMP Nextchar
Done:     MOV [DI],BL    ; set the string length
          POP CX         ; restore the registers
          POP BX
          POP DI
ReadLn    ENDP
GetChar   PROC       ; returns the ASCII code in AL
label1:   MOV AH, 0  ; BIOS read key procedure
          INT 16H
          CMP AL, 0  ; special key pressed ?
          JE  label1 ; yes, wait for another key
GetChar   ENDP
WriteLn   PROC               ; writes a line on the screen starting with the
                             ; currect cursor position (X,Y)=(DL,DH)
                             ; SI points to the string 
          PUSH AX
          PUSH CX
          PUSH SI

          MOV CL, [SI]       ; CL := Length(Str)
          INC SI
outchar:  CMP CL, 0
          JE  outdone
          MOV AL, [SI]       ; AL := next character
          CALL PutChar       ; output char to the screen
          INC SI             ; offset of the next character
          INC DL             ; new column
          DEC CL
          JMP outchar

outdone:  POP SI
          POP CX
          POP AX
WriteLn   ENDP
PutChar   proc    ; writes a character to VRAM. AL=char, AH=attribute
                  ; DH/DL = row/column (0-24, 0-79)

          push DI ; save the registers
          push ES
          push AX

          mov AX, VideoSeg ; B800H : video buffer segment
          mov ES, AX

          xor AX, AX ; clear AX
          mov AL, DH ; load the row number in AX
          shl AX, 1  ; multiply AX by 2^7=128
          shl AX, 1
          shl AX, 1
          shl AX, 1
          shl AX, 1
          shl AX, 1
          shl AX, 1
          mov DI, AX ; store the result in DI

          xor AX, AX ; clear AX
          mov AL, DH ; load the row number in AX
          shl AX, 1  ; multiply AX by 2^5=32
          shl AX, 1
          shl AX, 1
          shl AX, 1
          shl AX, 1
          add DI, AX ; DI:=DH*(128+32)=DH*160

          xor AX, AX ; clear AX
          mov AL, DL ; load the column number in AX
          shl AL, 1  ; multiply the column by 2
          add DI, AX ; DI:=offset of the screen byte

          pop AX     ; restore AX
          mov ES:[DI], AX ; store char/attribute

          pop ES     ; restore the registers
          pop DI

          ret        ; return to the calling program
PutChar   endp       ; end of the procedure
ClrScr    PROC       ; fill the screen with the BG color
          PUSH CX
          PUSH DI
          PUSH ES
          MOV DI, VideoSeg
          MOV ES, DI
          MOV AL, ' '
          MOV DI, 0
          MOV CX, 2000
          REP STOSW
          POP ES
          POP DI
          POP CX
ClrScr    ENDP
Prog_Code ENDS
             DB   64 DUP(0) 
Prog_Stack   ENDS