Working with loops

A program loop is a set of instructions that is executed repeatedly. We will distinguish between the For loops and While loops.

The For loop

The For loop allows you to create a group of commands to be executed a st number of times through the use of a counter that tracks the number of times the command block has been run. The syntax for the For loop is:

for (start; condition; update) {
   JavaScript commands

where start is the starting value of the counter, condition is a Boolean expression that must be true for the loop to continue, and update specifies how the counter changes in value each time the command block is executed.

The following table of the values of sins and cosines is created by using the For loop:

The table is produced by the following JavaScript code:

HTML/JavaScript codeComments
<script type="text/javascript">
document.write("<table border='1' cellpadding='5'>" +
  "<tr><th>Degrees</th>" +
for (d = 0; d <= 360; d += 20)
   var x = Math.PI*d/180;
   document.write("<tr><td>" + d + "</td>" 
    + "<td>" + Math.sin(x) + "</td>"
    + "<td>" + Math.cos(x) + "</td></tr>");
opening JavaScript
opening the table of sins and cosins
  the first column of the table
  the last two columns
the For loop running 19 times

  convert x into radians
  form the first column
  fill out the second column
  fill out the third column
end of the For loop
closing the table
closing JavaScript

The While loop

Similar to the For loop, the While loop runs a command group as long as a specific conditions is satisfied, but it does not empty any counters. The general syntax of the While loop is:

while (condition) {
   JavaScript commands

where condition is a Boolean expression that can be either true or false. As long as the condition is true, the commands in the command block are executed.

The example below shows an application of the While loop to creating the following table of colors:

The table is produced by the following JavaScript code:

HTML/JavaScript codeComments
<script type="text/javascript">
var colors = new Array(10);
    colors[0] = "green";
    colors[1] = "blue";
    colors[2] = "red";
    colors[3] = "yellow";
    colors[4] = "white";
    colors[5] = "cyan";
    colors[6] = "brown";
    colors[7] = "magenta";
    colors[8] = "lightblue";
    colors[9] = "orange";
document.write("<table border='1' cellpadding='10'><tr>");
var i = 0;
while (i <= 9) {
  document.write("<td bgcolor=" + 
    colors[i] + "> &nbsp; </td>");
opening JavaScript
creating array of colors

opening a table
creating a loop counter
starting the loop
 writing HTML tags for
   a table cell
 updating the counter
closing the While loop
closing the table row and table
closing JavaScript